Cannabis Hemp Guide 2015 Edition 1- March | Page 4

Editors note: Medicinal Cannabis = Better Quality of Life for Millions of Australians.The sick and suffering and their loved ones! If you would like to see Medicinal Cannabis legal you can have your say. Contact, The Moderator of Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2014 Email:[email protected] Call: 02 6277 3560 Email example. Dear Committee Delegates, As a member of the Australian public, I wish to submit my viewpoint on Medicinal Cannabis... YOUR REASON, NAME, EMAIL, PHONE... Type to enter text Cannabis Hemp Guide Endorsed by The NSW HEMP PARTY ONLINE MONTHLY Subscribe here: Next edition April 2015 A-Z Cannabis-Hemp Guide Cannabis Hemp Facts See examples below: What if cannabinoids in cannabis cured cancer & other diseases? https:// "Medicinal Cannabis gave me back my will to live." Susannah Patch playlist?list=PLmhLrNmlPeCKjFjWclCLWEqMfAcvRFDof #hempfacts, an acre of Hemp produces 300 gallons of oil, 3 tons of protein and 30 tons of fibre a year... Hemp makes more fuel, fibre, food and medicine than any other plant, and it was the first crop sown, over 12,000 years ago.