Canadian RMT Magazine Spring 2016 Apr. 2016 | Page 15

not a thermodynamic relationship in either of these adhesive patterns. In the Integrated Manual Therapy Class for Complicated Shoulder Conditions, participants will learn how to evaluate and release complicated capsular patterns in a single session. They will also learn to assess and correct conditions such as shoulder impingement, thoracic outlet, rotator cuff injuries, bicipital tendon strains, scapular dysfunction patterns, fixated 1st and 2nd rib problems, and thoroughly understand how to correct ‘Upper Crossed Syndrome” patterns. Therapists will also be given the research that proves that cross fiber friction does not re-align the scar tissue in strains and sprains. It is the movement and concentric and eccentric forces after frictioning that re-aligns the scar tissue. Therapists will also be given the tools to treat multiple nerve compressions patterns in the shoulder that so often cause the majority of carpal tunnel symptoms. Corrective exercises will be given for each shoulder condition, after treatment, to prevent the clinical conditions from returning. In the Integrated Manual Therapy for Low Back and Hip Conditions, therapists will learn how to assess and treat a wide variety of clinical conditions. I personally think the most important information that will be taught is understanding the role of capsular patterns inside the hip, that play a vital role in almost every chronic and complicated low back and hip condition. Without resolving the capsular patterns, as mentioned earlier n this article, most manual therapy techniques will not be successful in eliminating the cause of chronic back and hip pain. We will also be addressing the treatment of correcting sacral torsion patterns, and restoring normal muscle firing patterns of the low back to resolve complicated SI joint pain. This is the incredible Myoskeletal Alignment work I learned from my dear friend Dr. Erik Dalton. We will also be addressing his ascending syndrome patterns to teach therapist that the back pain can be coming from an overpronating foot that ascends into the low back, spine and neck. Therapists will also learn why it is critical to be doing “Pain Free” Iliopsoas work, especially in patients with pre-existing conditions such as spondylolisthesis, bulging discs, ruptured discs, and chronic SI joint pain. Again you will be looking into the human body to understand the underlying pathology of each clinical condition throughout the entire presentation. Clinical conditions covered in the low back seminar will include understanding causes for bulging and ruptured discs, SI joint pain, Sciatica, Sacral Torsion Patterns and how to address ascending syndromes that cause low back pain. We will also be briefly talking about the amazing Posturology work of Paul St. John and Randy Clark and the role of a hemi-pelvis or leg length discrepancies causing unresolved back pain problems. In addition we will be discussing the scar tissue research of Susan Chapelle, from Canada, that allowed me to go from a total hip replacement to teaching a hands on class to 80 therapists without pain meds, or a walker or cane only 8 days after surgery. This protocol will address early scar tissue mobilization, presurgical cupping techniques, and pre and post surgical lymphatic drainage techniques that will revolutionize post surgical joint replacement rehabilitation. Through doing a detailed client history and good orthopedic assessment, therapists will be better at clinical reasoning. In about 1996 I attended a class taught by Whitney Lowe, where he stated “Through good orthopedic assessment and clinical reasoning, manual therapists must learn to match the most appropriate modality, or manual therapy technique, to the exact underlying pathology of each specific clinical condition.” That one statement made me realize I needed to become an expert in Orthopedic Assessment, and that information had one of the greatest influences on my career. In 1990, I was fortunate to have started my career by choosing and attending a great massage school, Suncoast School of Massage in Tampa, Florida. I was exposed early in my career to the amazing work of industry leaders like Benny Vaughn and Mike McGillicuddy (Sports Massage); Aaron Mattes (Active Isolated Stretching); George Kousaleous (Core Myofascial Therapy); and Paul St. John (Neuromuscular Therapy). I have attended the FSMTA Conference in Florida every year since 1990 (26 Consecutive Years) to build on the great work of those amazing mentors and teachers. I now have the blessing and opportunity to share the integrated manual therapy techniques from so many great teachers and mentors in my seminars throughout the world. As I teach each year at Osteopathic Conferences, Chiropractic Conferences, Athletic Training Conferences, Physical Therapy Conferences, The College of Sports Medicine, and places Like The Olympic Training Center in Australia. I realize that so may different manual therapists have influenced the work I feel blessed to share. Now I just want to “pay it forward” to facilitate healing throughout the world. JamesW_Feature4.indd 15 Sprin