HAVE THE RIGHT MINDSET The contest prep process is supposed to be for personal growth. It’s a challenge you can use to become a better version of yourself. So, please don’t waste time or energy on scrolling through your social media feeds to check in on your competition. No one will post a bad picture and in many cases the pictures are photoshopped, filtered, or altered in some way to enhance certain aspects of the subject. It’s not worth your happiness to compare yourself to others, leave that to the judges. Now, don’t get me wrong - some stress is a good thing. It’s how we become stronger, how we build muscle, how we lose bodyfat, and how we improve. But like anything else, too much of a good thing can eventually become a bad thing. And this is so true about stress during contest prep. So, I hope with the guidelines I’ve provided here, you can apply them to your next contest prep and enjoy only the positive benefits of stress and minimize the unnecessary drains on you enjoying a stress-less prep.