the last 55 hours of my journey to prejudging looked like along with how I stayed tight for finals . Wednesday  At this point , my body was retaining some water . I am a sponge when it comes to water retention . I had a large carbohydrate refeed a few days prior to the show which causes some water retention . At this point , I had no training sessions left and was on my off - day nutrition plan . Meals of just protein and only 3 of these meals had small amount of fats in them . No artificial sweeteners or protein powders were used as many individuals can retain water by using them . The goal is to retain as little water under the skin as possible . There was no cardio and no training . Just minor posing practice and meal prepping in order to get ready for the few days in Toronto for the show .  More posing practice was done this evening in 10 minute spurts . I am a big fan of short posing practices as you are not on stage longer than 10 minutes . I see it counterproductive when I see people posing for hours straight on end .