Keep training as you did before. I still go as heavy as I can in order to keep as much muscle as possible. Higher reps with lower weights do not burn more fat, but will put you at risk for muscle loss. As for cardio, start adding it gradually as you go along. It is also preferable to be in shape 2-3 weeks before the event. This will allow you to properly taper off from training. Someone with rested muscles will simply look fuller and better than the guy who was doing two hours of cardio until a day prior. At the same time, being in shape early will give you a chance to post as many Facebook updates as your friends can handle. Contest Prep Mistake #2 - Over-reliance on supplements/PED's, especially fat burners Here is how the typical contest prep starts: calories are being cut, cardio added, and a fat burner is being thrown into the mix. Low and behold, the athlete loses weight, at least for a while. The problem with that is: You don't know what works. Where do you go from here if you reach a plateau? My approach is to keep simple. At first, you cut your calories by 500 a day. Your diet is responsible for 80+% of what you will look like, so it pays off to be meticulous in that department. After two to three weeks of reduced calories, I start adding cardio for about 4x30 minutes per week.