The only way to truly measure how your health may be doing is through testing. Routine bloodwork to determine organ health, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, gut health and many more markers can be crucial to ensuring you are in the best possible physical health. It is not wise to think, “Well, that stuff happens to other people, not me.” If this is your mindset, you may be lucky and this could be the case, but you don’t want to be wrong and one day it is too late. Of course, we can mitigate a lot of the negative stressors that are in our daily life through proper nutrition, exercise, supplementation and lifestyle protocols, but this is never a guarantee.  MENTAL HEALTH Now that we chatted about physical health, let’s talk about the other side of the coin which works in correlation with our body. That is our mental health. Mental health has gotten a lot more awareness over the last decade as it was a very “under the rug” subject prior to this. Many people deal with mental health illnesses and it is reported that 34% of high school students in Ontario report a moderate to severe level of psychological stress such as anxiety or depression.