Since the common thought is that if you are The reality is, that although we may live a in good external physical shape, you must be lifestyle that may involve many factors healthy internally, it is very easy for us to put considered “favorable” when it comes to health on the backburner if we have a set of good health, we are all at risk of abs. We may think things such as: deteriorating health. Oftentimes it may be due to genetics or other factors we simply “Only those who drink in excess get liver disease…” cannot control. Other times, it is self- inflicted through practices we may or may not be aware of as well. For example, “IBS happens to those who eat crap all decades ago those breathing in second- the time…” hand smoke had no idea they increased their risk of developing lung cancer even if “The only thing I drink is water, my kidneys are more than fine…” they didn’t smoke. Or a little bit of a “closer to home” example is expecting to be fully healthy because you take liver support yet “I work out and eat well, I’m sure my you are carelessly abusing sports anabolic/sex hormones are more than supplements that might be highly healthy…” hepatoxic.