Excuse 1 – No Money I understand you may have certain financial commitments such a car payment, mortgage, or tuition. I agree that these certain payments are beyond debate, but if you have money for a daily Starbucks coffee, regular visits to the spa/salon, and a closet full of new pairs of Lulu Lemons then you cannot use lack of money as an excuse. For the physique competitor, there’s no denying that competing does require some financial commitment, and If you are not willing to make your coffee at home, do your own nails, and wait a little bit longer to get another pair of new workout pants, then consider getting a part-time job or sell some of your junk that you have laying around your home on eBay or LetGo.  Excuse 2 - No Time Again, I appreciate you have undebatable time commitments for work and family. But outside those responsibilities, take stock of what you really spend your personal time on. How much time are you spending on binge watching the newest show on Netflix, scrolling through social media, and gossiping about someone at work? Once you are able, to be honest with yourself and stop wasting time on pointless activities and negative people, you will realize how much extra time you really do have. Just imagine what you could accomplish with those extra 7, 14, or even 21 hours a week?