The class was re-judged and the right decision was made.  In some cases, decisions from the Prejudging are reversed. Control, the will to make the controversial decisions: This is likely one of the most important qualities of a Head Judge, making the decision that is right for the advancement of the sport and the athlete. Although rare, this happened twice at this competition.  First during the Prejudging, a competitor was placed ahead of another competitor in the same class and the medals were awarded that way at Finals for that class.  However, during the overalls the scores were reversed for those two competitors as one competitor’s condition became weaker and the other improved.  The final decision was the right one. Again, a reminder to athletes that maintaining your condition and shape up to the Finals and overalls is all part of the competition. The final example, that again could attract criticism and controversy to a Head Judge is when Steve recognized a competitor in a men’s physique category, although muscular and conditioned ended up in last place.  That competitor was in the wrong category, he belonged in bodybuilding.  A misleading decision would have been to place this competitor in the top five.   The right decision for the athlete and the sport was to place this competitor last. This is exactly what we did.  However, Steve, recognizing the hard work this competitor put in to compete, took the time to speak to him directly. The competitor should have understood the decision and could now make the proper changes when choosing his class or training methods. It is important that the right message is sent to all competitors and the lines are not blurred between categories.I hope this gives some insights on what it takes to be the top Head Judges for the IFBB Pro League and why Steve, and a select few other Head Judges sit at the center of the table at The Olympia, The Arnolds and many of the top Pro Qualifiers and IFBB Pro League contests around the world. e h c a H   n o R President Canadian Physique Alliance