NATASHA DAVIS IS A GINGER TEA Research has revealed that ginger provides numerous therapeutic properties, including inhibiting the formation of inflammatory compounds, antioxidant effects, and relaxation and soothing of the intestinal tract. Being that it is also a diaphoretic, it warms you from the inside and promotes perspiration – thus helping to rid the body of wastes and toxins that may otherwise cause us to get sick! This is a simple tea to include when you start to feel a cold coming on, or if you just want to feel good and get some warmth! Juice a 1- inch cube of ginger or mince up if you don’t have a juicer, and add to 1 cup of hot water. Let the juices steep and enjoy. You can add in cardamom or cinnamon for extra flavour and digestive support! s i v a D a h s a t Na CERTIFIED HOLISTIC PRACTITIONER, PERSONAL TRAINER, AND NATIONAL LEVEL BIKINI COMPETITOR. SHE IS EXCITED FOR THE COMPETITIVE SEASON AHEAD, AND WISHES ALL COMPETITORS HEALTH AND HAPPINESS IN THEIR JOURNEYS!