Canada Education Guide 2018 Spring | Page 11

When did you start with debate ? 你什么时候开始参加辩论的 ?
I began debating when I joined UBC ’ s debate club in 2012 , and I was terrible at it . At one of my first debate tournaments I lost almost all my rounds , but I persisted . I followed a personal training plan , read books on debate , began teaching debate to beginners , and by September 2015 the process had transformed the way I thought , argued , and spoke . That year , I became the best debater in the Pacific Northwest , winning five consecutive debate tournaments in British Columbia , Washington , and Oregon ,
with different debate partners each time . The following year , I was chosen by the UBC Debate Society to compete at major North American tournaments and the World Universities Debating Championship in Greece , winning several more awards and placing 85th in the world out of 387 teams .
从零学起 , 坚持练习 , 最终成为最 佳辩手 : 2012 年加入 UBC 辩论俱乐 部后 , 我开始参加辩论比赛 。 那时候 我的辩论能力和技巧糟糕透了 , 开始 的几场比赛基本上没赢过 。 但我坚持
下来了 , 并且按部就班地进行个人培 训学习计划 , 大量阅读有关辩论的书 籍 , 逐渐掌握了辩论的技巧和积累了 经验 , 然后开始做初学者的教练 。 到 2015 年 9 月 , 我的思维 、 辩论 、 演讲 等各个方面都得到了很大的进步 。 那 一年 , 我分别在卑诗省 、 华盛顿 、 俄 勒冈等地区举行的五个辩论赛中与五 个不同的搭档合作 , 一路过关斩将 , 接连取得胜利 , 成为太平洋西北地区 最佳辩手 。 第二年 , 我被 UBC 辩论 协会选中 , 代表学校参加北美各大辩 论赛事 , 包括在希腊举行的世界大学 生辩论锦标赛 , 揽获很多奖项 , 并在 全球 387 个参赛队中 , 排名第 85 位 。

How do you see debate affect kids ? 你怎么看辩论对孩子的影响 ?
My idea for VDA has been to accept any kid into our program who wants to try debate , which is to say I believe anyone can benefit from debate training . Having now trained many students who had never had an experience with debate before , I can say confidently that I was right : even short exposure to debate is enormously beneficial . I have had the pleasure of seeing elementary debaters I ’ ve trained begin my classes telling their parents that “ news is boring ”, and by the end of the year those same debaters become eager to read current events and news . I ’ ve also had many parents tell me about how their children have become more confident , not only while in a public speaking setting , but also in everything they do .
辩论使孩子更自信 : 这就要说到我 成立温哥华辩论学院的初衷了 , 那就是 希望为任何想参加辩论学习的孩子提供 机会 , 让每一个孩子都可以从辩论训练 中受益 。 到目前为止 , 从 VDA 成立迄
今已经培养了一大批从未接触过辩论的 孩子 , 很自信地说 , 我的初衷是对的 , 即使只是短期接触辩论的孩子也是受益 匪浅 。 让我更欣慰的是 : 有很多参加 VDA 辩论学习和训练的学生 , 从刚开
始觉得 “ 新闻好没意思 ” 到对时事新 闻如饥似渴的巨大变化 。 有些家长告诉 我 , 他们的孩子变得更自信满满了 , 不 仅是在公众演讲方面 , 甚至做任何事都 信心十足 。
加拿大教育指南 · 2018 春季版