Canada Education Guide 2017 Fall | Page 67

大学申请应该知道些什么呢 ?
不同的大学 , 就像不同的国家一样 , 都有自身的 文化 。 学生的大学申请需要显示学生在申请每一所大 学时 , 对于学校的文化 、 宣扬和传达的理念都做出 了详尽的调查和了解 。 如果学生只图省事不愿花心思 发挥创造力 , 申请所有大学都用一种文书 , 那么便是 “ 自取灭亡 ”。
什么样的人才能成功 ?
具备良好的沟通表达能力是进入顶尖大学的首要 标准 。 这包含了口头和书面的表达能力 , 同时还要培 养一种自然的吸引力 , 这是能够将听众的注意力吸引 过来 , 使之主动参与进入对话中来的能力 。 另外 , 具 有广泛的兴趣爱好也是很重要的 。 比方说 , 一个理科 学生如果有参与音乐社团的经历 , 那么他被大学录取 的几率就会比只参与理科专业社团的学生大很多 。 团 队协作能力也不容忽视 , 注意 , 这里指的是协作 , 并 不是团队领导力 。
为何有些人不能成功 ?
有研究表明 , 如今青少年平均每天每隔 4 分钟就 会在社交平台上发一条信息 , 包括在校时间 。 如果你 的孩子每天也将大量的时间花在手机和社交平台上 , 那么他们就损失了提升自己各项能力 、 出去做义工 、 参与团队建设 、 文化交流等方面的宝贵的机会 。 哪个 父母不希望孩子长大以后成龙成凤 ? 想要孩子顺利就 读名校的话 , 尽早为孩子做好未来发展的规划 、 全面 地培养孩子各方面素质吧 !
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When to start … What to know … Who succeeds … Why some fail
Parents have a key role in preparing their children to compete for a place in the top universities . This is not a task you can leave to your child ’ s teachers . The following are some suggestions parents can consider .
When To Start the Preparation Process ?
The leading universities are searching for students with a diverse blend of personality traits , skills , interests and accomplishments . Students cannot wait until they are 18 to build these qualities . Parents need to start the process at age 12 . Marks alone will not guarantee admission . Almost every student applicant has high marks and 90 per cent are rejected at the top schools .
What To Know ?
Every university , like every country , has a unique culture . Applications need to show that the student has done research on that specific culture and understands the values and priorities of the university . Sending duplicate applications to several universities is a path to rejection .
Who Succeeds ?
Communication skills are a priority . These include speaking , writing and listening but also the ability to bring others into the dialogue . Having diverse interests is critical . That means a science student who belongs to a music club has a better chance than if she only belongs to science clubs . Teamwork is highly valued . Too many students think that means leading a team .
Why Some Fail ?
Research shows that a teenager today participates in a minimum of 4 social media messages every waking minute of the day , including during school . If your child goes through their teens staring at a cell phone they will not develop the strengths in communication , volunteer work , team skills and cultural adaptability the top schools are seeking . Start developing that full person now !
加拿大教育指南 · 2017 秋季版
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