Calvary Life SummerCalvaryLife2017-web | Page 10

Did you ever think shining shoes would lead to volun- teering your time at church? Well it did for Matt Kromke. About a year before Grace Beyond started, Matt heard a sermon about washing feet and wanted to do this for the staff but thought most wouldn't go for feet washing so he offered to polish their shoes every Wednesday. Then when Grace Beyond came up he was praying about where God wanted him to serve. He wanted God to show him. Stacy Armbrester called and asked if he'd be interested in doing outdoor greeting. So, Matt stopped by the church to sign up and Ken Meines was there with Stacy trying to figure out the leading of the outdoor greeters, in the midst of this there were fire alarms going off and it seemed like chaos. That is where Matt came in and said, "Let me run this, you guys have too much going on. Don't worry about it again." And he did, not with just one group but he led two groups of outdoor greeters. He was amazed at how God always worked out the de- tails of putting these groups together. When someone would call in sick the night before, another person not scheduled to serve that day would pop in and offer to help. Every Sunday God had just the right number of vol- unteers to meet the needs of the day. Matt got a front row seat to see God at work. Not only with the scheduling but also hearing the many, many stories from people he met greeting and the greeters themselves. Like Christine, a woman who lived in the area and read about Calvary in a flyer and started coming to Calvary@Calvin. He felt like he got far more reward in serving than those he was actually serving. God's economy isn't like ours and that’s a great thing! Using your time to serve God is never a bad idea, and in my experience you always come out far ahead of where you would have been had you chosen not to serve. There are many areas of the church currently looking for volun- teers. Let me encourage you to put Romans 12:1 “offer your body as a living sacrifice” into practice and offer a sacrifice of your time to God. Find something you love and enjoy and step out and serve God, you won't be sorry you did! If you feel lead to explore serving opportunities here at Calvary and/or learn about your spiritual gifts, please con- tact Director of Serving, Stacy Armbrester (sarmbrester@ By Chris Walkup 10