Calvary Life | Page 8

becoming a people Yesterday while sitting in the 9:00am service, I let my eyes wander over the multitude of individuals in our congregation and thought about the hundreds of unique stories that could be shared. What was your week like? I wanted to ask. Did you find joy in the mundane or did some unexpected misfortune fill you with grief or sadness? Every Sunday people come to Calvary with a new story. Some visiting for the first time, and others feeling like they are coming home. In any case, it is the goal of our First Impressions team members to greet them with acceptance and respect. We need to do everything possible through our words and actions so that our congregation will experience Christ. This is about meeting people where they are. In Matthew 11:28-30 we read, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (MSG) Jesus is our greatest example of how we are to be hospitable to others, but this isn’t just for the First Impressions team members to accomplish at Calvary. Sure, these teams are the front line for our guests, but in no way should they become the only communicators to our people. A recent survey by the Barna Group states that in order for people to feel accepted when they are visiting a church, they need to have seven people speak to them. Seven people??? To me that is a powerful statement. We have incredibly wonderful teams in our parking lots, at our doors, in the entrances and halls, but seven still seems like a lot of people to help connect with a single individual. If we all follow the model of Jesus, we will communicate the truth of Matthew 11 and our church body will experience acceptance and grace. People will know they are valued just by a few words spoken to them before the service starts. Whether that is by a welcome team member in a sunshine yellow shirt or by a person sitting in our congregation. Showing someone we care by a few words of greeting is to affirm that they are not alone, and we are interested in them. They will see that they matter right where they are. People matter to God; therefore, they must matter to us. By Judie Fielstra Director of First Impressions 8 Judie has been married to Larry for 52 years; they have two children and four grandchildren. She has been on staff at Calvary for over 26 years. Judie is passionate about helping people connect at Calvary, loves to read and share the love of Jesus with others.