Calvary Life | Page 8


Adventuring to new heights

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Next steps : An update

Phase Two / Fall On Sunday , September 11 , we will transition back to two services . Worship services will be held at 9:00 and 11:00am in the VanNoord Arena at Calvin College . Classes for birth through kindergarten will be offered both hours . Calvary Kids ( 1st-4th ), 5th / 6th , and 7th / 8th will meet during the 11:00am service . Adult Sunday Classes will meet every other week in the North Hall and Science Building . Room assignments and additional information will be available mid-August .
Phase Three Lord willing , we will be back to Calvary in December . Please pray that we can be home for the holidays . When we transition to Phase Three , the Sanctuary and main hallway will be completed . As a reminder , the other major elements of the new construction , such as the new fellowship area , children ’ s space and parking lot will not be completed until August 2017 . However , we plan to offer Adult Sunday classes every other week and children ’ s classes every week during this renovation period . Please look for detailed information this fall .
The final pieces of the project , including the Pastoral Care area , adult education wing and office renovations , are not scheduled to be completed until May 2018 .
Praise God for his faithfulness this far on the journey . Please continue to pray for safety for the workers , construction to stay on schedule and excitement as we see God move and work among us .