Calvary Life | Page 4

God ’ s word made simple

There is nothing better than the experience of God ’ s Word speaking to me . I ’ ve seen it change me over and over again . I can begin reading in a state of discouragement or weariness . The more I read , the more God transforms my attitudes and actions . He changes my thoughts and my emotions . God brings my thinking back to His thinking . I am renewed in strength . Reassured of His Sovereignty and goodness . My heart begins to overflow with gratitude and joy .
So why don ’ t we read it ?!
I ’ ve heard many excuses . I don ’ t know where to begin ... I don ’ t know how .... I need someone to explain it to me ... I just don ’ t have time .
This is God ’ s living Word ! It promises to be alive and active , sharper than a double-edged sword , penetrating even to the dividing of soul and spirit , joints and marrow . It judges the thoughts and attitudes of our heart ( Hebrews 4:12 ). God ’ s Word is perfect , refreshing the soul . It is trustworthy , making wise the simple . It is right , giving joy to the heart . It is radiant , giving light to the eyes . It is more precious than gold and sweeter than honey ( Psalm 19:7-10 ).
The benefits of reading God ’ s Word are incredible . It is the nourishment that grows us up in respect to salvation ( 1 Peter 2:2 ). It is essential to spiritual maturity ( Hebrews 5:11-14 ). It is profitable for teaching , reproof , correction and training in righteousness that we may be fully equipped for every good work ( 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ).
So why don ’ t we read it more ?! I feel that part of the reason we are timid about God ’ s Word is that we are used to being led . We have become consumers , wanting someone to take us by the hand , instead of treasure seekers .
For years we have been enriched by the study of God ’ s Word here at Calvary . Much of our study has been through directed Bible Study - study guided by questions for understanding sections of the Bible . Those questions lead us to certain conclusions . There is certainly a place for that , but more and more , I am seeing the benefits of inductive Bible study .
Inductive Bible study is a method of discovery . In this method , we learn to ask the questions that help us discover God ’ s Truth . Instead of someone else showing us God ’ s truths , we discover them . We mine the depths of God ’ s Truth and find the gems . This works great for those who have studied the Bible a long time and also for those who are new to it . You don ’ t need to be a scholar to learn to ask the right questions and for God to speak to you !
This past year , women have been using the Neighborhood Bible Study materials which are inductive in nature . Through simple acronyms we ask the same questions each week . They take us through a three-step process :
• Observation – What do I see ? We assume the role of a detective and look at the facts .
• Interpretation – What does this mean ? We ask lots of questions and pursue the answers .
• Application – How does it work ? What does it mean for me and others ?