Calvary Life FallCalvaryLife2018-WEB | Page 14

library Find us on the lower level, just inside Entrance G to your left! CORNER This summer we had over 150 wom- en participate in Priscilla Shirer’s The Armor of God bible study. This was such a great study! Not only do we have The Armor of God DVD bible study in the Library, we have many more of Priscilla Shirer books and bible studies in the library. Discerning the Voice of God: A decade ago, Priscilla Shirer authored Discerning the Voice of God, and since then God has continued to grow, teach, and chal- lenge her in her walk with Him. This revised and expanded edition reflects that growth through new stories, illus- trations, and exercises. Through seven sessions, discover the root to clear and daily communication with God—hum- ble obedience. Learn how surrender unlocks His many blessings intended for us, centers us in His will, and helps us discern His voice in everyday life. One in a Million (Bible Study): The 14 Egyptians in Exodus 1 were intent on enslav- ing the Israelites, wear- ing them down so that God's chosen people would become disillusioned and not live up to their destiny. Of the orig- inal two million Israelites who received God's invitation to enter the Promised Land, only two actually entered it! Sim- ilarly, modern day Christians often hear and understand the promises of God each Sunday morning at church but then rarely choose to experience them in everyday life. In One in a Million, Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer invites us to change that pattern for good, living beyond our circumstances and ex- pecting to see God move in miraculous ways day after day. As our church takes a deep dive into Isaiah , the library has two books that will give you a unique perspective on Isaiah. Israel, My Beloved, Kay Arthur's dra- matic, epic-style novel, is a historical timeline that corresponds with the fascinating retelling of Israel's story. History comes alive as Kay begins with the tragic mistakes that led to Israel's captivity by Babylon and takes readers all the way to the modern-day miracles of triumph against all odds. A heartwarming novel filled with adven- ture and suspense, Israel, My Beloved is an incredible testimony of God's great love and faithfulness even in Israel's darkest hour. The Dictionary of Biblical Imagery is the first contemporary ref- erence work dedicated to exploring the imag- es, symbols, motifs, metaphors and literary patterns found in the Bible. More than Library Hours: Sundays - 8:30 – 11:00am Wednesdays - 5:45-7:15pm that, it examines the Bible's universal archetypes or master images--including the plot motifs and character types that recur throughout life, literature and the Bible. This unique dictionary explores the dazzling variety in which the Word of God comes dressed in clothes of ev- eryday life. It traces the trail of images from Eden to the New Jerusalem. It captures the plotted patterns of biblical narrative. It surveys the imaged texture of each book of the Bible. In short, The Dictionary of Biblical Imagery is an inviting, enlightening and indispensable companion to the reading, study, con- templation and enjoyment of the Bible. The Be Comforted book challenges the idea that comfort is pity and that it is only priceless to those who need an emo- tional crutch. Author Warren Wiersbe applies the words of the prophet Isaiah to prove that God's comfort is no such thing. The word comfort actually translates "to repent" in Hebrew; our English translation, howev- er, adds another dimension to the word since it originated from two Latin words meaning "with strength." With defini- tions and insights like this, the "pastor of pastors" and phenomenal author Warren Wiersbe continues to enliven the Scriptures as he weaves the words of Isaiah with historical explanations and thought-provoking questions for ev- ery chapter, creating a study guide that can be used in personal Bible study or with a group.