Calvary Life FallCalvaryLife2018-WEB | Page 13

I was born and raised in a loving faithful Christian home in the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan. Jordan is an Islamic country, where Christians are a minority of the population, I attended Christian schools back home which allowed my faith to grow and to have Jesus living in the center of my heart. In 1989 my husband, Albert Duoibes, and I moved to the United States. We are blessed with five children, Ned (19), Katia (17), Kristina and Donna (15) and Noor is (14) years old, we also have two dogs and a cat; and, as any other family, we are super busy navigating life with school and sports activities. God is always faithful, and attending Calvary Church for 11 years had been a huge blessing in my family life. My native language is Arabic, but I learned English as a first language in school and some French as well. Looking back, I now see that God had been preparing a time and a place for me to use my native language to bring Him honor and glory, and to proclaim His truth and His living words. When I was asked to translate the Sunday sermons, I knew that God had a path already paved for me to use my Arabic speaking language! Translating the sermon is fun and I look forward to it. In addition to translating the sermons, I volunteer at Calvary in the Refugee Ministry. God has been moving in incredible ways and opening up more opportunities for me to serve and to form a friendship bond with these refugee immigrants. Mathew 25:35-40 commands us to welcome strangers with Jesus words “. . . to the extent that you did it to one of these bothers of mine, even the least of them, you did it for Me.” The Bible commands us to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves and we are to love our new refugee neighbors and show them mercy and grace. Please pray for our refugee immigrants to see and feel Our Father’s presence in their lives and for God’s truth to pierce their hearts and for their eyes to open to see God almighty. Lana Duoibes Lana translating the service. It’s God’s saturating grace that describes my life. At a young age, I accepted the payment He paid for me through Christ’s death on the cross. I knew I wanted to serve Him with my whole life. In my early teen years, His grace poured out when I understood more of the meaning of making Him Lord of my life. The verse I claimed for my life was Proverbs 3:5,6 challenging me to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways, ac- knowledge Him and He will direct your path.” I had no idea where He would lead me, but I was wiling to go and do as He showed me. All of my experience serving the Lord cross-culturally began in Hispanic countries such as Mexico, Spain, Honduras and in cities and towns I li ved in the US. God cultivated a love for other cultures and people and the longing to make Christ known to them. Before I headed to Honduras, I became an RN, in the hopes to use my skills in a third-world country. God’s faithful grace broadened my view of the world and His kingdom, but I never imagined where He would send me next! My first response that fateful date of 9/11 was: “Christ is the only solution!” That is when He set me on a journey to serve in the Middle East beginning in Jordan. I soon had an Arab “mom” who taught me colloquial Arabic and a touch of formal Arabic. It was difficult to say “goodbye” to her and the many friends of my community who taught me more than just the language. God’s grace contin- ued to pour out. After visiting various countries in the region, I moved to Cairo, Egypt. I worked as a nurse in two different hospitals while relearning Arabic in a new dialect. It is only God’s grace that explains my comprehension and ability to speak this fascinating language. It was a privilege and blessing to be able to speak and connect with Egyptian strangers and friends. Six years later I met a most kind, generous and wonderful man who loves Jesus. His name is Bob Tuuri. After we were married in 2013, we settled in Grand Rapids and attended Calvary Church. The following year, God blessed us with our precious daughter Mariah. Then I heard about the ministry to refugees at Calvary, I became extremely excited to serve in any way that I could. What a blessing to work alongside Lana and the team using Arabic in translating to our dear friends whom I love very much. God’s grace rains down… Melissa Tuuri 13