Calvary Life CalvaryLife-Winter2017Web | Page 3

editor’s note This issue of the Calvary Life is different than some of our most recent issues. In many ways, it seems to lack a theme. Instead of choosing a virtue or season to center our contributions around, the stories seemed to drive what we included. As I flip through the pages now, it’s clear that a theme has emerged nonetheless - it’s Calvary Life! What it does it mean to be alive at Calvary? What does it mean to align yourself with the life of the Spirit that is running through this church? It means you identify with Jesus through spiritual practices. It means you pray with bold faith. It means you share the good news of God’s redeeming love with those who haven’t heard. Life at Calvary is life together - running the race set before us, eyes fixed on Jesus, cheering each other onward. It’s recognizing where you need to be equipped to run faster and with better direction. And all of this rich goodness is found in the pages of this magazine. Winter is a season that comes in kind of harried. Snow seems inconvenient in the rush of Christmas shopping and the endless grocery store trips that celebrations seem to require. We turn the pages to January though and suddenly the days move slower. The march to spring seems endless as we forget what the sun looks like under our gray blanket of clouds. Has there ever been a season where you needed to seek out the light and hope of Jesus more? Now is the time to find the people you’re going to run your race with. Now is the time to dream bigger in prayer. Now is the time to make plans for the summer and take another look at the ways God is asking you to give and serve. May this winter be a season of new life for each of us as we seek after Him! By Jackie Rice Director of Communications Jackie has been on staff at Calvary for 14 years. She loves how falling snow quiets the busiest of streets and lives. She also finds great joy in looking ahead to what adventures summer will bring! 3