Calvary Life CalvaryLife-Spring2018-FINALweb | Page 3

editor’s note Spring is a season of new life and fresh starts, just the thing we’re all aching for as the cloudy days of winter drag on beyond their welcome. While we wait for the ground to turn from brown to green, it’s easy to feel like nothing is really happening around us. The same can be said for our faith. When every day feels as hard or meaningnless as the one before it... when we struggle with the same sin once again... is our faith still active? Yet we know that even we don’t see it, God is making all things new! He is causing growth while we slumber, He is bringing light to dark places... and we get to be a part of the story He’s telling in this generation. If that doesn’t make you as excited as the first day you get to go outside without a parka on - I don’t know what will! As we assembled the Calvary Life for this quarter we wanted to give you a sense of the excitement we feel as we minister alongside each of you in this church family. Our hope was to convey the life that fills this place each week. We know you can’t be everywhere, so we’re giving you a taste of how God is moving in Bible Studies, in Equip classes, in meetings, and in our community. If you’re ready to experience something new, your options abound. And if you just need to be reminded that it’s worth it to keep going, to persevere in your faith, there’s something for you here too. As we move from one season to the next, let us join together to praise the God who is faithful every day. Whose love for us doesn’t change, and who is working out good on our behalf even when we can’t see it. By Jackie Rice Communications