Calvary Life CalvaryLife-Fall2017-FINAL-web | Page 20

Fall program guide

Calvary Kids
Carla | ext . 5067 calvarykids @ calvarygr . org
Li ’ l S . S . Adventure Sundays | 9:00 & 10:45am Birth to Young Fives
S . S . Adventure Sundays | 9:00 & 10:45am Kindergarten to Fourth Grade
S . S . Adventure is Calvary Kids ’ Sunday morning program focused on the thrill of discovering God ’ s Truth .
Check-in : All children need to receive their nametags at the check-in area at bottom of the stairs , escorted by a parent or guardian to the room number printed on their name tag , and checked out by a parent or responsible guardian ( high school age or older ), bearing the claim tag that was issued upon check-in .
Kids-N-Action Wednesdays ( Begins September 13 ) 6:30--7:50pm Calvary Kids Ministry Area
Kids-N-Action is Calvary Kids ’ Western-themed Wednesday night program which focuses on the application of biblical truth . Our desire in Kids-N-Action is that children understand what God says in the Bible , believe it , and obey it in their daily lives . KIDS-N-ACTION is designed to foster social interaction through electives , while facilitating spiritual growth in learning from the book of James how to “ put your faith into action .” According to the Bible , it ’ s not enough to know what God wants – you have to DO it too .
This year , in Kids-N-Action , kindergartners through fourth graders will have the opportunity to experience each elective ( super sports , amazing art , pen pals , karate kids , kid vs . wild and cool construction ) for a few consecutive weeks . Memorize James chapter 4 , and put its teaching into action through fun activities . Register at mycalvarygr . org .
LUMIN8 Kids Choir Wednesdays ( Begins September 13 ) 5:45-6:35pm | Room 144
Each year in LUMIN8 children , ages kindergaten to sixth grade , memorize the book of James through song , one chapter a year ; perform an evangelistic Christmas Musical and a Spring Concert ; show commitment to one another as a team . Practice times include discussions as well as occasional fun activities to improve retention and application of principles in the songs . Register at mycalvarygr . org .
5th-8th Grade calvarystudents @ calvarygr . org
Sunday Mornings Sundays ( Begins September 10 ) 10:45am-12:00pm 5th / 6th- Rm 108 | 7th / 8th- Rm 208
On Sunday mornings , we pray that your faith might be strengthened through building friendships , preparing your heart for worship , and engaging with interactive messages from God ’ s Word . We absolutely love middle school students and want you to experience Jesus through community and biblical teaching . This year we ’ ll continue through The Gospel Project and we look forward to how God will use His Word to lead , stretch , and make us all more like Him .
Parents Gathering & Dinner September 27 | 5:00-6:15pm Room 208 ( Entrance D ) Register at mycalvarygr . org
During this parent ’ s meeting we will discuss our events for the year and go over our Sunday and Wednesday topics . You ’ ll have the opportunity to ask questions about our ministry and meet the parents of other middle school students . Dinner will be provided from 5:00- 5:45pm with the informational meeting following right after dinner . Childcare is not provided , but your kids are welcome to join at your discretion and supervision .
5th-8th : Combined Worship Night with UNITED November 29 | 6:30-8:00pm Room 208 ( Entrance D )
We will combine 5th-8th for worship with the UNITED ( High School ) band through song and testimony .