Calvary Church Constitution | Page 10

Page 8 Calvary Church Constitution, September 2014 2. Call. The Senior Pastor of the Church will be called by a two-thirds majority vote of the ballots cast at a congregational meeting, providing his name has been presented to the active membership by a two-thirds majority vote of the Elders. Church membership will be automatic for the Senior Pastor and his wife on acceptance of the call to minister at Calvary Church. 3. Termination. The Senior Pastor's term of office shall be indefinite. Normally, a notice of 60 days will be given to terminate, with remuneration and services continuing through this period, unless otherwise mutually agreed. A vote may be taken by the active membership at any time to terminate the Senior Pastor's services subject to the following: a. A special congregational meeting may be called for that purpose in accordance with ARTICLE V, Section A. b. It shall be placed on the agenda of a regular or special congregational meeting, provided that it is presented by a two-thirds majority vote of the Elders, or after a petition of 25 percent of the active membership has been presented to the Elders. c. A majority vote of ballots cast shall be required to terminate the Senior Pastor's services. d. In the event of doctrinal and/or moral defection, the Senior Pastor's services may be terminated immediately by action of the Elders, to be ratified within 30 days by a majority vote of the ballots cast at the congregational meeting called for that purpose. Section B. Other Pastoral Staff. 1. Call. The pastoral staff of the Church, as defined by the Elders, will be called upon the recommendation of the Senior Pastor, by a two-thirds majority vote of the Elders. If the Church is without a Senior Pastor, pastoral staff may be called by a two-thirds majority vote of the Elders. The length of time of service will be at the will of the Elders. Church membership for the pastoral staff member and spouse, assuming they are both interviewed, will be automatic on their accepting the call. These staff members will be required annually to sign a statement of agreement with this Constitution. 2. Duties. The duties of the other pastoral staff will be those as formulated by the Elders. In ministry areas where the Elders have established a committee, the staff and committee will work together to provide direction, leadership, and program formulation. Section C. Other Individuals. All persons approved for financial support by the appropriate committee, including short-term missionaries, will be required to sign a statement indicating that they accept in its entirety the statement of doctrine in this Constitution. They may also be required to submit a statement of total income upon request. The requirements in this section do not apply to individuals whose only financial support from the Church consists of compensation as employees of the Church.   ARTICLE VII Discipline of Members INTRODUCTION The purpose of all discipline shall be to strengthen the local Church by promoting consistent Christian living. Every effort shall be made to restore erring members to fellowship and active membership of the Church. Section A. Reasons, Purpose, and Procedures. 1. The Reasons for Discipline. There are two reasons for discipline: a. Doctrinal deviation or heresy b. Immoral conduct, lying tongue, sowing discord among the congregation, unrepentant sinful behavior, unbiblical divorce or remarriage, physical or significant emotional abuse, abandonment, or the violation of a Calvary Church policy as determined by the Elders. 2. The Purpose of and Procedure for Church Discipline. The purpose of church discipline is to effect the return to a biblical standard of conduct and doctrine, to restore a member who errs, to maintain purity in the local church, and to deter sin (Galatians 6: 1; 1 Corinthians 5:6; 1 Timothy 5:20). Members of this Church who err in doctrine or conduct will be subject to dismissal based on the principles of Matthew 18:12-18. Before such dismissal, however, the following steps ought to be taken: a. It is the duty of any member of this Church who has knowledge of the erring member's heresy or misconduct to warn and to correct such erring member in private, seeking his or her repentance and restoration. b. If said erring member does not heed this warning, the warning member will again go to the erring member