Calvary Church Annual Report CalvaryChurchAnnualReport20152016-REV | Page 25

Women’s Ministry This past year God led Women’s Ministry to do something quite rad- ical. Instead of having women’s Bi- ble studies at Calvary, women were challenged to step out in faith, ask- ing God to use them as streams in the desert places of this communi- ty. We all have neighbors, co-work- ers, family and friends who need Jesus. They need to experience the refreshment of Living Water poured into their lives…and we’re holding this LIFE in our hands. The women saw Grace Beyond as a time to bless others as they had been blessed! It has been exciting to watch God change lives in powerful ways by His grace. This challenge which be- gan among our women, has over- flowed to men and young people who have courageously brought God’s Living Word into their neigh- borhood, friend, family and work places. Here’s just a few examples of how God is working: Last summer, people began prayer walking through their neighbor- hoods and around workplaces, qui- etly asking God to move in hearts and open doors of opportunity. Neighborhood Bible Studies have sprung up all around Grand Rapids. Some groups are now moving into their second year of study. Seniors have stepped out in faith to begin studies in retirement homes here in Grand Rapids. After watching her mother lead a men’s Ministry neighborhood Bible study, a young woman brought together friends from her high school to study the Bible this summer. Men and women have stepped out in faith to creatively meet at their workplaces over lunch for studies. Elaine & Jeanne had the opportuni- ty to bring the NBS2go Bible stud- ies to pastor’s wives in Poland. One woman chose to stop working in order to intentionally reach out to her neighbors. And the list goes on! The key to all of this has been prayer. For over a year, women have met twice a month to ask God to help our church be His ambassa- dors and to bring streams into the desert places. These Blessed2B- less Prayer Gatherings are and will continue to be the power behind the actions as we enter a second year of ministry to Grand Rapids and beyond! Fun facts • 160 women relived IF: Gathering in October. • 70 women attended The Gift of Loving Your Neighbor in December. • 400 women came together for Eventide with Sharon Brown in January. • 65 women took a solitude retreat in February. • 70 women enjoyed a Ladies Night Out with Jen Pollock Michel in May. Over the past year, Men’s Ministry continued with the desire to see men participate in various studies. Authentic Manhood brought men to different understandings of bib- lical masculinity. On Tuesday af- ternoons, Romans was studied as a compliment to the weekly sermons. Wednesdays at lunches found participants engaged in Dis- ciplines of a Godly Man. Saturday morning studies focused on disci- pleship and building up other men. Men also enjoyed a weekend away with the combination of other local churches. Calvary’s own Ardo Drap- er led studies for numerous men during the weekend. Men were also able to engage with teachings from many different area pastors. This past year also brought a new commitment from men. One such endeavor involved praying for the elders. We met every night that the elders prayed for congregants, to lift these men, whom God has ap- pointed, to the Lord. Much blessing has been seen in the dedication of men who continue to intercede for those who watch over our souls (Hebrews 13:17). It is evidence of God’s graciousness that we have seen and heard the stories of those who have been healed. We praise God for such an amazing opportu- nity and more so, His faithfulness. 25