Calvary Church Annual Report AnnualReport2018-web | Page 10


It has been a joy to mark and celebrate the ways that God is growing Calvary Church . In early 2018 , we began a video series on Sunday mornings to intentionally tell the story of the Season of Growth that God has brought us into through Grace Beyond . After many months of building , we wanted to note the changes that have taken place as we near the end of the journey . Through this series , we have marked the creation of the staff leadership team , encouraged you to join the community being built on Wednesday nights , laughed with the Calvary Students staff and invited you to step out of your comfort zone to engage in new ministries like those under the Mercy & Hospitality umbrella . It is a privilege to be behind the lens , telling these stories and seeing all the ways that God is at work in this place . You can view the Season of Growth videos at calvarygr . org .
As we look for other ways God has grown us , I can ’ t help but think of our Sunday morning series — Rescued , Restored , Ready . From the beginning of our time in the book of Ruth to the end of the series that landed us in the Gospel of Mark , we sought to note the stories of redemption that are found in God ’ s Word and in our community . As a staff , we ’ ve recognized that not all stories end like we expect . And we ’ re seeking to celebrate God ’ s work no matter how the story goes . Learning to share stories that are unfinished , and to trust God to faithfully meet us in those places , was part of our growth journey this year .
In Communications , we get by with the help of our friends ( as the saying goes ). God is continually growing me as a leader to rely on my team members and invite others into the work that He is doing at Calvary . Thank you to each of you who contribute to this church , for your encouragement and for your faithfulness to live out the story He is writing in your life .
Jackie Rice , Director of Communications
Communications Staff Jackie Rice , Director