Calvary Church Annual Report AnnualReport-201617-web | Page 13

young adults One of our primary focuses in Young Adult Ministry is to encourage young adults to learn how to hear from God and then obediently follow His leading. It is challenging to learn because obedience requires stepping out in faith, often in directions we don’t want to go. However, God’s plan isn’t to punish us, but that through obedience we might live by faith and ultimately experience deliverance from everything that hinders us from knowing and experiencing Him in fullness. This is the journey that God has had Calvary on as a church and the Young Adult Ministry as well. Below is just a taste of the story God has been writing this year. Enjoy! Mason D. Sherrill, Pastoral Staff, Young Adults I always considered myself a rule follower, but this year through different people in the young adult min- istry and different events in my own life my under- standing of obedience moved from following rules to following Christ. The Young Adult Ministry underwent many changes over the year which caused me to ex- perience the pain that often comes with obedience, but the joy that also accompanies it. God began mov- ing in my own life last October when he gave me a dream that clearly directed me and a leader in my life down a different path than the one I thought He had both of us on, and far different from the one I wanted. My desire was to go overseas and be a missionary, however, God asked me to stay here. I still struggle to understand why God has asked me to stay and work here at church when he gave me a desire to go. However, through witnessing the obedience of oth- ers, the heartache that came with living out obedi- ence beyond rule-following, came a joy that was ex- perienced in community and through relationships. A close friend and leader in my life took active steps of obedience that caused her great pain. Through witnessing her submission to God, I had the courage to obey God in my own journey and difficulties. I also saw others in our college community being obedient to God’s call, even when it was challeng- ing for them, and this greatly encouraged me. One young lady was apprehensive about going on a mis- sion trip, but God brought her through all her doubts and health obstacles, and she was able to go and serve him in another country. Her obedience led to a joy greater than she anticipated and a greater under- standing of God’s plan for her life. Another young woman has time and time again been attentive and responsive to God’s voice in countless circumstances, even when it causes her to give up things she holds dear. She has given up control over her future and wants to fully pursue God. Over this past year, she has truly grown to become more like his Son. These stories have been shared in our com- munity, bringing encouragement and support to con- tinue taking further steps of obedience. Through all these people I have learned that, obedi- ence isn’t about following rules. It’s about relation- ships, community, and Christ. While the journeys have been painful and difficult, the joy and peace that comes with obedience has been tangibly felt. We have sincerely grown as a community this past year through many individual’s listening and responding to the Holy Spirit moving. Kirstin Herbruck, Facilitator, Young Adults 13