California FFA News Winter 2016 | Page 15

This fall over 6,000 freshmen were introduced to the benefits and opportunities in Ag Education as they attended one of 33 Greenhand Leadership Conferences across the state. Conference highlights... 3,465 members committed to running for an office or committee chair in the future 165 conference banners dropped 24,000 SAE, FFA and Classroom future goals set 198 team building activities conducted 65,644 views of #FFAglc on Instagram (15,458 likes) Over 1,000 minutes of “Celebrating” the opportunities and benefits of Agricultural Education! • Getting an “All Access Pass” to the Greenhand Leadership Conference helped me gain a new understanding of the three circle model of agriculture education. I am very interested in agriculture and getting to attend GLC was a great experience that opened my eyes. The Greenhand Leadership Conference consisted of many sessions and team building activities, I have never experienced anything like this before! I learned a lot about FFA and agriculture education and all the opportunities it has to offer. I was taught the six benefits of of Agricultural Education: Learning, Experience, Leadership, Competition,Travel, and Personal Growth. I also gained new knowledge about the opportunities I could experience like different leadership conferences such as MFE, ALA and SLE. I also got a better understanding of what an SAE project is and cannot wait to start my own SAE. The overall experience was amazing and I wish to use what I learned in my future as an FFA member. Thank you for my teachers who selected me, to those leaders at GLC, and those fellow students I met. I would like to give a shout out to my team leader Russell because he in my opinion was the coolest facilitator! By J.D. Burriel, Exeter FFA Street Beat #FFAglc California FFANEWS • Page 15 • Winter 2016