California FFA News Winter 2015 | Page 2

Opps! Did I Do That? Confessions of a State FFA Officer Editor: [email protected] Graphic Design: Jennifer Luiz Patton Twisted Twig Design & Print [email protected] We want to hear from you... We are always looking for great stories about members and alumni around our state. Know of a story that we should feature in CA FFA News? Please email [email protected]. Submission deadlines: Fall................. June 1st Winter............ September 1st Spring............ December 1st Summer.......... March 1st Stay in touch... “California FFA” Breanna Holbert, S e c r e ta r y California Association FFA Post Office Box 460 Galt, California 95632 (209) 744-1600 [email protected] It was January 29th. I was a freshman in high school and at 6:30 AM we were headed to our first creed practice contest. Aside from the nerves, glazed over eyes, and stomachache from my ag teacher’s driving, I was accompanied by crutches and a bright pink cast on my leg. When we finally arrived, I jumped out of the van (that was my first mistake) and headed towards the contest. At the bottom of the stairs stood all of the contestants, parents, and creed judges. I was wondering how I would get down the stairs to join everyone with my cast. Well, gravity took care of it for me. As I took my first step, I tumbled and my crutches made it to the bottom and I followed right behind them. I guess that’s one way to conquer two flights of stairs! Oh yeah, and January 29th, that’s my birthday. What more could I have wanted my first day as a fifteen year old? During regionals my senior year I was able to make it into the finals of the Prepared Public Speaking contest, meaning that I would give my speech on stage in an auditorium full of people - yikes. I spent the time before pacing back and forth running through my speech in my head, and hoping I would be able to answer my questions adequately. Moments later the lapel microphone was attached to my jacket and I began to speak. Eventually the nerves subsided, and I got through the entire speech and questions - in fact I felt pretty confident in my delivery and answers. I walked off of the stage feeling good, and went to share my excitement with my advisor. Come to find out, instead of nailing my last question, I had done quite the opposite. I guess I had been so ready to give an answer that I forgot to actually process what the judge was asking. And as a result what I said made absolutely no sense. It’s funny because I can remember thinking how easy that question had been, when in fact that was not the case at all. And it all happened in front of about 200 people. Joelle Lewis, President The CA FFA News is published quarterly by California Association of FFA. You want to talk about embarrassing? Hands down, running for chapter office my junior year was my most embarrassing FFA moment. When all of the candidates and I sat in the agricultural mechanics shop waiting for our interview, the school bell began ringing like crazy. Doesn’t a school bell kind of sound like the fire alarm? That’s what I thought too from the way I was flailing my arms to and fro, running around the sharp and dangerous tools, and frantically screaming “IT’S A FIRE DRILL!” It wasn’t until the wrestling coach next door stared me down with the look of ‘watcha doin’, Felicia?’ that I realized my mistake. I became the alarming butt of jokes for weeks! Sydney Sousa, V. President Winter 2015 Volume 4 • Number 2 { Continued on page 3 } California FFANEWS • Page 2 • Winter 2015