Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network May 2017 | Page 70

Step 47: Locate the centre of your cake where all Step 45: your markings meet and Step 46: By now your board line this up with the top should be dry and the Carefully peel back the of your threaded rod. cake firm enough to Go-Between. At this Carefully with two hands handle. Carefully with point you can fill and ease the cake down to a blade or small sharp imperfections in the the board. No need to scissors cut through the ganache but for this style secure the cake any sticky tape to remove the of cake it really doesn’t further as the rod will ganache lid. matter! take care of that for you. ASSEMBLY Step 49: Position the sausage on the cake in a spiral fashion. Allow to sit for a few minutes. Step 50: Roll some fondant the colour you wish the ‘batter’ to be. I chose white this time. I tend to have this just a little thicker than I usually would because you don’t want it to tear! About 5mm should be fine. Brush the entire top of your cake including the top edge with either Crisco or water. Step 51: I cut a small guide hole before lifting the fondant up and over the rod. Start smoothing to get the swirl happening. Trim the excess with a sharp blade ensuring it is attached to the top edge of your ‘bowl’. Step 48: Roll a long sausage using leftover 50/50. It does not need to be perfectly uniform and you can do this in a couple of pieces if you wish. Step 52: Continue smoothing and softening that outer edge and defining the swirl. You can use different size balling tools to assist if you like.