Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network May 2015 | Page 76

For those that are not super artistic but would like to paint on a cake, what suggestions do you have for transferring an image to paint onto a cake? For those who are not super confident with free handing, there is no shame it taking the easy route for the outline. You can tape a piece of parchment paper over the top of your desired image, then trace with a pencil. You can then place that parchment over top your fondant, go over the outlines with a scribe. This will indent the pattern onto the cake. What is one thing you think people should know before deciding to set up a cake decorating business? Its non-stop, all the time, go go go. I used to dream, literally day dream, of “the easy life of owning my own bakery” and how I would do it different and right...then I was smacked on the side of the head with reality. It’s a ton of work. Employees, overheads, paperwork, AND then you get to bake, ice and decorate. Long, long hours. With that being said, it can be extremely rewarding. I suggest that people do their homework. See what the demand is in your area. See what your competition is (both skill and price-wise). What the demand is as far as event centres and wedding venues in your area. Make a business plan. If you aren’t business savvy and you want to work on strictly on cake, consider a business partner. All in all, do your homework and be realistic. Are there any secrets to fixing up painting mistakes? How do you suggest people achieve depth in a painting on a cake? If you do mess up there is still hope. Blot your mistake with a dry paper towel first (don’t smudge). Then take a paper towel with either alcohol or lemon extract on and blot until it’s been removed. Pay attention to shadows and highlights. Try to look at your inspirational object objectively, try to fight what your memory is telling you this particular object looks like. For instance, if you were to draw a face, you memory might say “Draw an oval with two ovals for eyes...” etc. Instead try to look at each line/shadow individually and replicate that. What do you enjoy about painting on cakes most? That if you choose your edible mediums wisely, you can almost replicate any traditional art mediums (acrylic, oil colors, etc). Edible mediums also have some helpful characteristic that traditional mediums do not posses. I think the exploration of painting on cakes has just begun and 2015 will bring some amazing artists out of the woodwork. When you’re going to paint on a cake, do you have a creative process you follow to create a cake from start to finish? I always start with a faint outline of my object, I usually then move from the top down, concentrating on shading and then reverting back to highlights. Will you be coming down