Caine Statham Systems caine #4 | Page 25

7. If painting is not on the menu, it is wise to get the home softwashed prior to going on the market, and removing all the new lichen, mold and algae from the roof, gutters on the shady side of the home. Do not allow your home to be judged a “leaker” just because you have failed to wash it prior to going on the market. 8. That brings us to to tidying up the external presentation. Cut, clear and mow what needs to be attended to, and this goes with decluttering your home, and if you can staging it for sale. Go back and look on pages 4 and 5 about the serious money that a well staged home can bring, and the enhanced ability to actually sell it by presenting it in the best manner it can be. 9. If you believe in your home, why not guarantee it, and remove the risk for potential buyers and their banks in buying your home. Offering a guarantee proves that you know the home is in great condition, and a low or no risk purchase. If you are concerned about providing a guarantee, call us, if we like your home and it tests out, we will arrange a guarantee for you. It’s a concept called “risk reversal” and it works gang busters. Potential buyers love it, their banks love it and it means more people will check out your home, which is a great thing for you. And it means we don’t have to go into discount mode to get people through the door to your house. Well there are 9 good things you can do to protect yourself and maximize your sales price. Plus did you notice everything we recommend is not only good for you, but it is also just as good for your buyer. And that is what good business is - good for all participants in the deal. The 9.5 is give us a call for a coffee, where we can explain to you, your financial advantage of getting a Registered Valuation before going to market.