CAA Saskatchewan Winter 2018 | Page 47

Visit a Caa store e for or shop onlin ies or ss ce ac r te win dise and merchan Ca ask.Ca/shop On the ROad How to Love winter AgAin Fun ways to make the most of the snowy season across Saskatchewan By Ashlyn GeorGe And ConAn ToBiAs Writer Ashlyn George (left) and her quinzee-mate Quinzee crAzy There is no BeTTer wAy to enjoy snow than to sleep in it! While it sounds crazy to some, building a quinzee—a shelter built from a hollowed out pile of snow—is the perfect outdoor adventure for kids and adults. After clearing out the structure, survivalist instructor Colin Frey of Renewed by Nature recommends letting your quinzee settle for four hours or more to ensure structural integrity. “Fresh snow has a lot of air in it and it’ll compress much slower,” he says. If built properly, the interior of a quinzee can be several degrees warmer than the outside air temperature—thanks to snow’s insulating properties. Still, it’s a good idea to also pack warm sleeping gear, including a reflective mat, before turning in for the night. How to buiLd A Quinzee 1 Shovel snow into a pile 1-2 metres high and 3 metres across, depending on the number of occupants 2 Let snow settle for at least 4 hours 3 Insert sticks to a depth of 30 cm to ensure consistent wall thickness when carving out the interior 4 Carefully hollow out the structure, starting with a small entryway; gradually dig wider caa saskatchewan winter 2018 47 »