BWS issue 36 November December 2015 | Page 13

business advice BUSINESS WOMEN SCOTLAND 11 ask the expert AVIA SIGNS• Tel: 01236 710 060 • Brown Street Business Units, North Lanarkshire ML5 4AS Catriona Gardner of Lanarkshire-based Avia Signs outlines key ingredients to consider when you’re thinking signage for your business, charity or other organisation. How not to ruin your new signage: 7 top tips 1 Less is more Don’t overdo the content on your signage. Keep the words few and far between but 100% relevant. Don’t over-clutter the sign – all you’ll succeed in achieving is confusion for the viewer and when that happens, the sign’s failed. 2 Epic size fail Size does matter when you’re considering new signage. Think carefully about the size of your signage. Too small and you’ll not achieve the appropriate impact. Take into account the sign’s location and how your audience’s eyes will engage. Can it be too big? Well, that all depends on the actual content and unless the quality of your artwork is 100% sharp then the bigger you go, the worse the sign will look. 3 Massage the message Don’t get these all important words wrong... A sign with the wrong message can be as helpful as no sign at all. Think carefully about the signage content – what are you communicating and to whom are you reaching out? A sign without any words can be strong and effective – all depends on the visuals, of course. A sign with the wrong words can be a waste too. And remember the grammar and spelling – two ingredients people often overlook and then your sign will be talked about for all the wrong reasons IF you don’t tick these boxes. 4 That right spot Don’t pick the wrong part of the building for signage when 50% more people could see it if you just moved it a few metres. Locating the right site for your signage is so important. The correct height, the correct angle and the correct prominence can all play a part in achieving the maximum message via your signage. Marketing your brand or company is an important investment for any business – so make sure you get the location 100%. Many of our clients are based in the UK, with a large number located in Scotland. It rains here. A lot! So selecting the correct material for an exterior sign is so important. Exposure to the elements – and let’s face it, we can get the elements of all four seasons in one day – can have a detrimental effect on the signage, there