BWS issue 34 July August 2015 | Page 38

36 BUSINESS WOMEN SCOTLAND lifestyle ask anne: our hair expert TAYLOR FERGUSON HAIRDRESSING • Tel:+44 (0)141 332 0397 • 106 BATH STREET, GLASGOW G2 2EN Anne Ferguson is a director of celebrity stylist Taylor Ferguson Hairdressing. In this issue, she focuses her expertise on a very common problem and highlights a real-life case study. Fight the frizz factor What’s the big problem? We can sum it up in one word that can signal a ‘bad hair day’. FRIZZ!! Deborah Welsh is a 43 year-old mother of one, working as a freelance media consultant living in Lanarkshire. She described her hair to me as having a tendency to be a ‘frizz nightmare’ leading to too many bad hair days. She said she has amazing hair IF a professional takes the time to blow dry it. If Deborah is doing it, however, she needs to work really hard to control it because of its tendency to go frizzy. She cites moist weather, even after her most valiant efforts with straighteners, resulting in her looking like the cartoon character Crystal Tipps. We understand how frustrating this is. Deborah remembers spending one holiday with her hair slicked back with ‘industrial’ strength gel for the whole fortnight. The client’s solution As well as battling with the hair dryer, Deborah has invested time on research to find solutions. She’s tried everything that the hairdresser’s shelf has to offer and admits to being a sucker for any product that promises to have her looking like she’s just stepped out of a salon. She added that if she’s going out somewhere special she needs to put the front of her hair in a hair grip to keep it in place and stop the frizz effect. If it’s raining just going from car to bar can see the frizz set in. Like so many of us, Deborah has a busy professional life and she so wanted to have her hair more controllable and, of course, that frizz tamed. The professional solution I describe our solution for Deborah as ‘literally lifechanging’ and our team regularly sees clients whose life is made a misery because of that dreaded frizz factor. I do believe that long-term help is available thanks to the Nanokeratin System hair relaxing treatment. We gave Deborah’s hair a style makeover, thinning out some of the volume and cutting a layered, choppy long bob. We also fixed her colour, removing that block single tone appearance. How it works The Nanokeratin treatment was applied with the yellowwhite thick solution combed carefully along the length of Before After each strand of Deborah’s hair, allowing the frizzy hair to literally start the relaxation process.The treatment takes approximately two hours. For four days following the application, you can’t wet your hair in any way – this really just allows the treatment to achieve its optimum effect. The outcome Because I hear so many ladies – and men – complaining about frizzy hair I can empathise with Deborah but in just a couple of hours we delivered a frizz-free three to four months. One client who has it done suffered the frizz nightmare for 40 years and now revels in the fact she can walk the dog in the rain and thanks to the treatment doesn’t have to tame any frizz. After her makeover, Deborah said: “I love my new look. My hair’s never felt and looked so good. I closed my eyes as the team was blow drying my hair and when I saw the reveal I was so impressed.” “I’m looking forward to an easier hair regime and perhaps now I can control it, rather than be controlled by the dreaded frizz.” The cost The Nanokeratin System treatment with a cut/blow dry costs £250. Another option If you would like a home-use solution for a frizz nightmare, I’d recommend the Kerastase Discipline range of shampoo/conditioners, which can help ease the frizz for up to 72 hours. A word of caution though – for maximum benefit you must use both products during your haircare session. n