Issue: 6 2013 -2014 | Page 18

Customs & Immigration • Letter stating the date of arrival in Grenada, purpose of visit, activities engaged in and reason why applicant would like to acquire permanent residence status. • A medical certificate from a registered practitioner, accompanied by results of the following tests: Chest X-ray, Malaria blood smear, Serum creatinine, RPR, VDRL, or other serologic test for Syphilis, Stool for culture and microscopic examination. HIV antibody test, Update immunization status including measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus and hepatitis B. The immunization card which is signed and dated by a registered practitioner. Application forms are available from the Prime Ministers Ministry in the Ministerial Complex and must be signed by a Justice of the Peace or a Notary Public on completion. All tests MUST be conducted within six months of the date of application at the GENERAL HOSPITAL, ST. GEORGE’S. No other hospital laboratory tests results will be accepted. APPLICABLE FEES Persons from OECS - US$348 Other countries - US$1873 GRENADIAN CITIZENSHIP A person can apply for Grenadian Citizenship under the following three circumstances: AS AN INDIVIDUAL OF GRENADIAN PARENTS Completion and submission of Grenadian Citizenship application forms which must be accompanied with the following supporting documents: Four passport size photographs certified by a Justice of the Peace or a Notary Public. Medical certificate from a registered practitioner. Original and one photocopy of birth certificate. (Original Affidavit if name does not appear on the birth certificate) A fee of US$94 is applicable. AS AN INDIVIDUAL MARRIED TO A GREN