Business Matters July 2017 | Page 25

For sustainability purposes, tutors in afterschool programs were trained and the ground- work has been laid and materials have been distributed for the continued promotion of the Launch web tool during the coming months through summer bridge and camp programs, and for the next academic year. Instrumental to continuing to promote the webtool will be the Coastal Compass Education Resource Center located at The Palmera Mall that provides free education-to-career services. The Chamber’s membership, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, including faith- based with an education focus, parents and veterans were engaged and the outreach will continue in local school districts, and with faith-based organizations, veterans’ assistance programs in Nueces County and with the USO, the U.S. Veterans Administration local office, through partnerships with local higher education institutions, Craft Training Center and oth- er Community partners. Plans are underway to create a data portal for the citywide education-to-career initiative. The data collected throughout Launch My Career Texas grant period will be added to the local initiative’s data portal and serve as a baseline of initial education-to-career community outreach. The contacts made, relationships established and the lessons learned through the UCCCC’s role in promoting the Launch webtool, both in the community and with the project’s national affiliates are invaluable. The UCCCC, now going into its tenth month, is committed to improve career pathways to in-demand jobs in Corpus Christi. For more information on Launch My Career Texas go to or to sched- ule a presentation contact Dr. Gilda E. Ramirez, VP for Small Business & Education, at gilda@ or call 361-881-1800 or 316-815-0957. click here to visit! UNITEDCORPUSCHRISTICHAMBER.COM 24