Business Matters August 2017 | Page 32

FOUNDATION RECIPIENTS SELECTED FOR THE THE MANO A MANO SCHOLARSHIP T he United Corpus Chris- ti Chamber of Commerce Foundation introduced the 2017 Mano A Mano Schol- arship recipients at a morning re- ception on Wednesday, August 2, 2017. The event took place at 10:30 a.m. inside the 3rd floor multi-pur- pose room of the Corpus Christi RTA building; and was a great op- portunity for all in attendance to learn how this unique scholarship is providing a connection to edu- cational opportunities for deserv- ing students in the Coastal Bend community. 31 BUSINESS MATTERS AUGUST 2017 Since its inception, the Mano A Mano Scholarship program has awarded more than 250 students with over $675,000 in scholar- ships. One hundred percent of Mano A Mano Scholarship dona- tions are deposited into the Unit- ed Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit supporting organiza- tion of the United Corpus Chris- ti Chamber of Commerce. These funds are then distributed directly to deserving students. The Mano A Mano Scholarship allows recipients the opportunity