Business Marketing Magazine Summer 2017 Summer2017 | Page 25

July 1st starts the second half of the year. Where are you on the goals for your busi- ness? • Have you reached any of them yet? • Are you off track? • Has your business model changed in any way since January? • Do you need to tweak your plan? • Do you even have a plan…hmmm? to get it where you want it to be. How are you budgeting your finances to cover ex- penses? How are you budgeting your time? 4. Do you know exactly where you are starting from? You must know where you currently are in your revenue, cash flow and time in order to map out where you are going. Can you imagine planning a vacation and not know where you are starting from? How on earth are you going As we enter into the 3rd quarter of the to know how to get where you want to go year (or any quarter) it is essential that you or if you have enough funds to get there if look at where you are at with your plan. If you don’t know your starting point? there are changes that need to be made to create stellar results as you head into 5. How much time are you spending the home stretch of the year, it’s better to on revenue generating activities? What do make them sooner rather than later. Duh, you need to change in your business so right? But how many people overlook the that your time is spent on what makes you powerful process of planning in their busi- money? Who do you need on your team to ness? take care of non-revenue producing activi- ties so that you can focus? What resources Here are 5 steps to get your 180 day plan do you need? together for the last half of the year: The questions in these steps are a good 1. Begin with the end in mind. What place to begin. However, many times our is the desired result? How much profit great intentions for a strategy to create our do you want to have made on December profit plan ends up being the “not getting 31st? How many clients or customers will it done because you’re distracted with all you have or prod ucts sold? the other details of running a business so it goes on the back burning strategy”. 2. What are your revenue producing strategies? How much do you charge for If the latter is your strategy, be sure to find each product or service? How many do you someone to coach you through the profit plan to sell each month to reach your de- planning process and can provide a done- sired result? with-you strategy. We offer just such a pro- gram so feel free to contact us if you need 3. Do you have a budget? Each revenue assistance or we can share other resources producing strategy is going to require an too. When you lay out your profit plan I investment; either financial or time or both think you will be pleasantly surprised at