Business Marketing Magazine Summer 2017 January 2016 Creating Clear Businesses | Page 12

and will never be, enough for success (in business, family, character) in the long term. Talent alone can lead to entitlement, fragility, and quick-fixes. But when it is synergized with tenacity – watch out! Records will be set. Lives will be changed. The clear applications to selling are: a Do not waste your emotional ener- gy on jealousy of others you perceive as more “talented.” They will either give up when the going gets tough, or they have paid the price and synergized their talent with tenacity, in which case they deserve the success they create. a Take stock of your talents, whatever they may be, and use them to your advantage. You don’t need to be excellent at every aspect of your career – but a true powerful development of a few key elements will bring excellence and satisfaction. a 11 ples longer and harder, you will come out on top. “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Thomas A. Edison Again from Bob Proctor, on persistence, a tenacity synonym: Napoleon Hill devoted an entire chapter in Think and Grow Rich to persistence. In that chapter he said, “There may be no heroic connotation to the word persistence, but the character is to the quality of man what carbon is to steel.” Hill also pointed out in another part of the same chapter, that the only thing which separated Thomas Edison or Henry Ford from the rest of the people in the world was persistence. For both of these great men had an image and they would not let anyone or anything dissuade them—they were persistent. One illuminated the world, the other put the world on wheels. Both were, of course, richly rewarded. Stemming from #2, determine which talents or skills you desire to have, those which you feel would Prove all things; HOLD FAST that which make the biggest difference in get- is good. (1 Thessalonians 5:21) Be tenating you from where you are NOW to cious! where you want to BE. Stubbornly resolve to either develop those talents (or even make up for them) through sheer tenacity! a When the going gets tough – rejoice! Because you now know, if you are tougher, hold onto your