Business Management Business Management

GLOSARIO PROCESAR LA INFORMACION (PROCESS THE INFORMATION) The accumulation and manipulation of data elements to produce meaningful information. Data processing is a subset of information processing, "the change (processing) of the information in any way detectable by an observer. Data processing is different from the processing of texts, as the latter manipulates texts only in Place of the data. 1. ACTITUDES: Attitudes 2. ANÁLISIS DE INFORMACIÓN: Analysis of Information 3. ANÁLISIS SEMÁNTICO: Semantic Analysis 4. CAMPO DE CONOCIMIENTO: Field Of Knowledge 5. CAPACIDAD: Capacity 6. CIENCIA: Science 7. COMPETENCIA: Competition 8. CONCEPTO: Concept 9. CONOCIMIENTO: Knowledge 10.CONTROL: Control 11.CORTO PLAZO: Short-term 12.DATOS: Information 13.DESARROLLAR: Develop 14.DIAGRAMA: Diagram 15.EFECTIVIDAD: Effectiveness 16.EJEMPLOS: Example 17.ELABORACION: Production 18.ELIMINACIÓN: Elimination 19.EMPRESA: Company 20.ESTRATEGIA: Strategy 21.ESTRUCTURAS: Structures 22.EVALUACIÓN ECONÓMICA Y FINANCIERA: Economic And Financial Assessment 23.EVOLUCIONAR: Evolve 24.EXPERIMENTOS: Experiments