Business First September 2017 Business First September 2017 | Page 66


Don ’ t Overlook the Milestones ; they shape your progress

by Mindy Gibbins-Klein MBA FPSA FRSA


ow many times have you heard the expression “ Life is a journey , not a destination ”? I happen to think life involves both journeys and destinations , and that we do best when we have a healthy balance between goals and progress .
But how do we know if we are making progress ? The answer is in staying aware during the journey and celebrating the many milestones along the way – both those related to the goal and those milestones that just show up .
Setting and working towards goals is absolutely essential if we want to make progress in our business and life .
It can be hugely motivating to have a target , such as an end of quarter or end of year financial or sales goal , or a wedding outfit that is going to be tight unless you shift a bit of extra weight .
As human beings , we need to have things to aim for , otherwise we are like boats without a rudder , drifting aimlessly around with no purpose or direction . For entrepreneurs , this need to be moving in a certain direction is even stronger .
My clients writing books are not only encouraged but practically forced to keep the end goals in mind – not just the book but all of the outcomes related to having that book in print , such as extra business , speaking and media opportunities , raising your profile and leaving a legacy .
I ’ ve learned from my clients that the strength of the goal and the vision can literally make you work on a project even on days when you don ’ t feel like it .
However , too much focus on goal setting can leave a busy entrepreneur feeling exhausted and unfulfilled .
There is always so much more to achieve , so many more items still on the To Do list than checked off the list .
There ’ s a lot to be said for enjoying the journey , smelling the roses , allowing things to unfold ( sorry , was a that a bit woo­woo ?)
Years ago , I began learning about the Buddhist way of life and philosophy . Focusing on mindfulness long before it was trendy , I learned to let go of the go­go­go and simply be present .
It ’ s fantastic to be able to enjoy the moment without nagging worries about the past or the future . And it ’ s more relevant for business people and leaders than ever before ; as my client Philip Cox­Hynd outlines in his book Mindfulness and the Art of Change by Choice .
The key , I believe , is not obsessing with one
or the other . This means not going after your goals with such a vengeance that you miss the journey completely .
And not just floating around , never arriving anywhere or achieving anything .
The truth is , society dictates that we need to spend time doing both . You can get even more from the journey when you celebrate the achievement of the steps along the way , as well as the ultimate goal .
Then there are those milestones that will come up , no matter what you are doing or whether you are paying any attention to them or not .
Milestones like significant birthdays ( or every birthday ), holidays , the birth of children or grandchildren , work or business anniversaries . In my latest book The Thoughtful Leader , I suggest that instead of treating these key dates or events as millstones hanging around your neck , you celebrate them for the milestones they are .
My good friend Claire Boyles even has a hashtag for this : # CelebrateALLSuccesses . It makes life more fun and more interesting , but it does a lot more than that .
Acknowledging that you have achieved something , even living another year , tells your subconscious that you value yourself and your life .
Proving something to yourself is major ; you would not believe the number of clients who tell me they are building their business and writing their book to prove something to themselves .
Whenever you achieve something for the first time , you allow a thought that sounds something like ‘ Wow , I didn ’ t know if I could do it , but I ’ ve done it !’
If you share the achievement with others , in person or online , you let them know that you are someone who is making things happen . You invite them to share in the positive feelings of success and fulfilment , and you may even inspire them to crack on with one of their goals . You can even prove something to a naysayer from your past or your present . Celebrating every step along the journey means your subconscious and your contacts get this message many times , instead of just once .
If you are out to prove something to others , this can be the most motivating reason of all !
So , if you find you have been drifting and not purposeful enough , crank up the goal setting .
If you think you have been too focused on the goal and not enjoying the journey , introduce some mindfulness .
And whatever you do , remember to celebrate when you achieve the little things , the steps toward the goal , or any events in life and business .
That will enhance the quality of your life and the lives of others .
About Mindy Gibbins­KLein
Mindy Gibbins­Klein MBA FPSA FRSA is a multi­award­winning international speaker , author and thought leadership strategist . Her flagship book 24 Carat BOLD outlines the four attributes found in true thought leaders . Her latest book The Thoughtful Leader takes thought leadership to a new level .
Founder and CEO of REAL Thought Leaders , The Book Midwife ® and Panoma Press , Mindy has authored and co­authored eight books . She is also a regular contributor to the business press on thought leadership and raising your profile .
Mindy ’ s clients have successfully written and published more than 500 books and hundreds of bold and opinionated articles , positioning themselves as real thought leaders in their field .
For more information on Mindy Gibbins­ Klein , see www . mindygk . com
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