Business e-Book Collection July 2013 | Page 16

Publicise it. It seems like one of the best methods of reducing your symptoms of Impostor Syndrome is to tell people about it. Blog about it, talk to people who will not try to ‘make you feel better’, write articles about it. No-one really knows why this works, but it has something to do with un-internalising it. Give yourself permission to make mistakes. Those with Impostor Syndrome panic that every mistake is that last straw that will finally break the camel’s back. Relax, and realise that human beings make mistakes. It’s how you deal with mistakes that will define you. Ignore your Inner Critic. You know that little voice that tells you that you aren’t good enough, or that continually reminds you of your failures? You need to turn down the volume on that guy. Try new things. Yes, you may have to push yourself, you may find your inner critic telling you you can’t do it, but you have to continue to try new things. I recently read an excellent e-Book on the subject – “Overcoming Imposter Syndrome – Ten Strategies to Stop Feeling Like a Fraud at Work” by Elizabeth Harrin. If you want to do more reading on the topic, I would heartily recommend Elizabeth’s book.