Business e-Book Collection July 2013 | Page 12

Murray Smith explains it a thousand times better than I could. I recommend it to you, if you want to know about it. In the meantime, feel free to give it a try and see if you can change your unconscious pictures of yourself. Energy Sometimes, just getting up in the morning is a chore. Especially when you’ve worked until 3am and then you are getting up at 7 for a breakfast meeting. That’s when you need energy – to face the day, to wow the meeting attendees, and to build your success. But how can you increase your energy when all you want to do is crawl back into your cocoon and forget the world? Obviously, eating correctly and getting the right amount of sleep are the first things to look at. Additionally, if you are always tired, you might consider getting your thyroid function checked. If you are just having one of those days when you just can’t get up the energy for anything, you might try one of the energy-building tricks below. (These are extracted from “55 Ways to Get More Energy” from Music - either singing along or just have the tunes playing out loud Water - drink it, or splash it on your face Clothes – wear brighter colours, dress up, change your socks half way through the day Exercise – stretches, yoga, walking, cardio and especially sex. Food – eat more protein and less carbs, berries for alertness, small piece of chocolate, eggs, and remember the old saying “Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, supper like a pauper.” Laugh – go on – make yourself do it Breathe in Lavender and Citrus oils – they increase alertness Sleep – take a Power Nap - a nap of less than 20 minutes will refresh you, anything longer will have the opposite effect Avoid alcohol – when you are particularly low on energy, alcohol won’t help