Business Continuity Planning Toolkit | Page 19



Mutual Aid Agreements To avoid confusion and conflict in an emergency , establish mutual aid agreements with local response agencies and businesses . Include these agencies in facility training exercises whenever possible . These agreements should :
- Define the type of assistance ;
- Identify the chain of command for activity ; and
- Define communications procedures .
Mutual aid agreements can address any number of activities or resources that might be needed in an emergency , such as the following :
- Providing for firefighting and HAZMAT response
- Allocating shelter space , emergency storage , supplies , and medical support
- Establishing which businesses will allow neighbors to use their property to account for personnel after an evacuation
Community Service In community-wide emergencies , business and industry are often needed to assist the community with the following :
- Personnel
- Equipment
- Shelter
- Training
- Storage
- Feeding facilities
- EOC facilities
- Food , clothing , building materials
- Funding
- Transportation
While there is no way to predict what demands will be placed on your company ' s resources , consider how the community ' s needs might influence your corporate responsibilities in an emergency . Also , consider the opportunities for community service before an emergency occurs .
Public Information When site emergencies expand beyond the facility , the community will want to know the nature of the incident , whether their safety or health is in danger , what is being done to resolve the problem , and what was done to prevent the situation from happening in the first place . Determine the audiences that may be affected by an emergency and identify their information needs . Be sure to consider the needs of the following audiences :
- The public
- The media
- Employees and retirees
- Unions
- Contractors and suppliers
- Customers
- Shareholders
- Emergency response organizations
- Regulatory agencies
- Appointed and elected officials
- Special interest groups
- Neighbors