Bulletin January 29, 2017 Bulletin | Page 4

Archdiocesan Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebration
The Archdiocesan Golden Anniversary celebration will take place on Sunday , June 11 , 2017 , at 3:00 PM in St . Philip Neri Church .
Please Note : This year ’ s celebration will not be a Mass , but a Prayer Service . Attendance of Mass for Sunday obligation will have to be met within one ’ s respective parish .
To register , the married couple is asked to contact their parish office before March 3 , 2017 .
Day of Social media Silence : Don ’ t Post , Pray ! February 8 , 2017
Once again this year the archdiocesan Respect Life Office will sponsor a Day of Social Media Silence to bring awareness to the crime of Human Trafficking in our city , our country and in our world . On February 8 , 2017 , in conjunction with the Feast Day of St . Josephine Bahkita and in partnership with the US Conference of Catholic Bishops ’ International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking , all social media accounts of the Archdiocese of New Orleans will go silent from 12 Midnight to 11:59 pm in “ solidarity with those who are silenced ” using the very tool that traffickers most often use to do their heinous business . All parishes , schools and ministries of the archdiocese as well as all Catholics and members of the community are invited to join in this social media fast reminding ourselves for this one day , “ don ’ t post , pray ” for the victims , sellers and buyers involved in human trafficking .
A profile photo for use in social media accounts starting February 1 , 2017 , through the conclusion of the novena on February 17 , 2017 , is available for download here . For more information or with questions , please email respectlife @ archno . org .
Human Trafficking :
Please be aware of the signs of trafficking … http :// polarisproject . org / recognizesigns
And … if you see something , SAY SOMETHING !
It is better to report a suspicious incident & be wrong than to be right & say nothing .
National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline … 888-3737-888 ... Put that number in your cell phone ! A 24 / 7 tollfree hotline for anyone who needs help or knows someone who needs help , or to report a potential human trafficking .
If you are interested in placing an AD in our Parish Weekly Bulletin , please call Yvette at the Church office ( 504 ) 887- 5535 for further information .
SPN Ladies ’ Co-Op News
The St . Philip Neri Ladies ’ Co-Operative Club will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday , February 9 th at 7:30 p . m . in the Assembly Hall . Sign in begins at 7:00 p . m . Dinner will be served . There will also be an attendance prize , 50 / 50 raffle and a Parade of Prizes . All ladies of the school and parish are welcomed ! Hope to see you there !
A Special “ Thank you ” to all of our Volunteers who are working with our youth !
Special Announcement
For the protection and safety of our Children , it is mandated by the Archdiocese of New Orleans , that all Employees and Volunteers working with the Children have registered on Austin Computing , have attended a Safe Environment Training , and have had a Background Check . Both the Training Date and Background Check Date are good for three years . All volunteers MUST be in compliance .
Please check with your Group Leader for further information .
Chairs or Secretaries of all SPN Councils , Boards , Ministries , Committees and Organizations are requested to submit announcements to the Church Office , Attn : Yvette , or email : yecuyer @ stphilipneriparish . org at least two Fridays prior to the date for publication . ( Email preferred ).
Please include your name , phone number , the name of your group / organization , your association with the group and your title . Thank you .
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