Bulletin 2017-2018 BUI 2016 | Page 110

IEM 338 Entrepreneurship in China ( 3 credits )
Pre-requisite : IEM 311 Entrepreneurship or Dean ’ s Approval
Study characteristics of Chinese entrepreneurs , determinants of business success of entrepreneurs in China such as understanding of Chinese culture , law , society and economies , study forms in doing businesses in China and organization units involving with doing businesses in China , Study common or special characteristics of entrepreneurs in special administrative government such as Hong Kong and study characteristics of oversea Chinese entrepreneurs and their concepts of doing businesses .
IEM 339 Entrepreneurship in Thailand ( 3 credits )
Pre-requisite : IEM 311 Entrepreneurship or Dean ’ s Approval
Study characteristics of entrepreneurship in Thailand thoughts and determinants in doing business successfully , developing and topping existing businesses in Thailand , study entrepreneurs in different types in Thailand such as family business , personal business , study organizations involving in promoting Thai entrepreneurs , study dominant characteristics of entrepreneurs in Thailand such as Chinese-Thai entrepreneurs , Sikh-Thai entrepreneurs , new generation and technological entrepreneurs , family business entrepreneurs and franchising entrepreneurs .
IEM 340 Small and Medium Entreprise Management ( 3 credits )
Pre-requisite : IEM 311 Entrepreneurship or Dean ’ s Approval
Study small and medium enterprise management and learn how to write business plan , developing concepts in managing small and medium enterprises , small and medium enterprise in different aspects such as marketing , finance , management , essential law and regulations for small and medium enterprises and study problems of small and medium enterprises such as lacking capital or sourcing of funds , shortage of production resources , threats from moderntrade and study how to cope with the change , change management and business problem sovling .
IEM 341 Trade and Industrial Development ( 3 credits ) for Entrepreneurship
Pre-requisite : IEM 311 Entrepreneurship or Dean ’ s Approval
Study trade and industrial development for entrepreneurs starting from trade thoughts and development influencing trade and industrial development , modern industry , industrial estates , industrial parks , and developing logistics and supply chain management , concepts and industrial policies , industrial promotion thoughts , investment promotion from government and international sectors , special rights from Board of Investment ( BOI ). The course aims to enlight students to real investment and in addition to study the growth of industry and some industrial environemtnal problems .
IEM 421 Project Management for Entrepreneurship ( 3 credits )
Prerequisite : IEM 311 Entrepreneurship or Dean ’ s Approval
Study project management for entrepreneurs by studying planning , resource allocation , developing projects , budgeting in project management , possibility and feasibility study of project , studying techniques using in analyzing benefits and breakeven cost and profit in the future of project as calculating project cost , applying Gantt chart and excel computation .
IEM 422 Special Topics in Entrepreneurship ( 3 credits )
Prerequisite : IEM 311 Entrepreneurship or Dean ’ s Approval
Study special topics in entrepreneurship such as characteristics of modern entrepreneurs , social entrepreneurs , technological entrepreneurs , creating entrepreneurs and problems of modern entrepreneurship such as problem from economic and social uncertainty and other interesting issues .