Building a new Europe against stereotypes | Page 4

Arad Economic Vision College, as a school of the XXI century, aims at training and developing the creative and divergent thinking, using different concrete situations acquired knowledge and skills, motivation and readiness to respond positively to change, taking on democratic values and positive attitudes self and the other, attitudes arising essentially from the value of human dignity. We emphasize in this regard, respect for cultural and linguistic diversity, preservation and development of national and European cultural heritage, combating social exclusion and discrimination, social progress. Realizing that respect for human dignity and fundamental rights and freedoms effectiveness depend not only on their legal protection, but also their promotion through education, training and information, teaching staff of our school always sought to familiarize students with democratic practices and encourage them to actively participate in school and community life, in order to shape and develop the skills needed in a successful European society.Each extra curricular activities or projects developed above (both continuous training of teachers for professional development and transnational projects between schools and institutions) followed and contributed to the formation of attitudes in students and staff staff from the resulting awareness of the fact that these human dignity does not depend on nationality, color, sex, age, social status, health status, diagnosis, etc. All these projects have promoted dialogue and cooperation multinational and diversification of language learning in our school.For the right to dignity and justice in the most comprehensive term, including that of justice and social justice, be a sustainable building was also necessary, and taking into account the spiritual dimension of human rights, as well as developing respect for shared values underlying fundamental human rights assembly. Therefore, the spiritual dimension of human rights was inherent curricular or extracurricular any educational approach developed in our college, correlating with each other constantly, freedom and responsibility of the individual, individual identity and social solidarity and universal values specific circuit in the perception Romanian and mainstreaming human rights.

Establishment Arad Economic College is a prestigious educational institution in the western region of the country, with outstanding results over time both in training students in various trades and in the training of the students. Established in 1885 by the Minister of Education in Budapest, the capital of the eastern part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, began operations on September 28, with the name "Commercial School Average". Language of instruction was until after the Great Union of 1918, Hungarian, then, from 1922, was born and Romanian section so the "College of Commerce for Boys" and the "College of Commerce for Girls "Arad, initially only class, maintaining at the same time teaching classes in languages other naţionaliotăţi of Banat and Crisana.

This school shopping headquarters was located on the current Lucian Blaga street;only in the years 1889-1894 was built the current school building in George Enescu Square, no. 2. In the 1930-1931 school year there is a significant change in the current school building, namely: the November 12, 1930 School Board of Higher Commercial School Arad Merchants Corporation bought the building from Arad with 1.500. 000 lei, becoming the property of the parents

committeeLeadership prestige of this educational institutions remained because teachers who have worked over time in this school and the students what they did and honoring the institution of education through outstanding academic results, but also built his career after College graduation Economic Arad. Since 1885 the management of the educational institutions have succeeded numerous directories and subdirectories / Deputy Directors who contributed to the prestige of this school tradition of Arad.

European School:

As a natural consequence of excellence in education, the College of Economic Arad, obtained in the framework of the ninth edition of the National Competition "European School" MECTS launched a tie with 160 points. The competition was a close fought since our college for the school status Europe with 110 units of undergraduate education in 37 counties and in Bucharest. Economic College, Arad has proven once again that part of the European family by participating in period 2 to 4 May 2013 at the "European Schools Gala" event held in the town Montecatoni, Italy. In the first days of May met in the Italian city 105 schools across Europe, winning the competition "European School". "I had a feeling of satisfaction and pride when flag Economic College, Arad waved among the schools in over 30 European countries. It was a moment of recognition of community noastre- school students, teachers, parents. I congratulate and thank all ", the director said Ms. Monica Băltăreţu, which together with Mrs. Dorina Danila educational counselor represented our school at this special event under the auspices of the European Commission.