Building a Healthier Polk 3 Year Summary | Page 20

INTRODUCTION The Primary Care Physicians Strategy workgroup assessed primary care physicians clinical practices in addressing body mass index (BMI) of their patients. Primary care was defined as family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, gynecology, and general practice physicians. YEAR ONE YEAR TWO METHOD • • Interviews were conducted The following questions were asked. Responses including physicians and subsequent Strategy 3 Workgroup meetings. A survey was sent to 353 primary care physicians, of which 99 responded (28% response rate). Of those who ARNPs, to assess providers’ responded 95 (96%) were challenges addressing obesity, documenting BMIs on their perceptions of their patients’ patients and 86 (87%) were providing counseling, education or obese patients. While documentation and counseling rates within the survey respondents were high, the Strategy members felt that additional information from primary care providers was needed to define obstacles to patients achieving a healthy weight. 20 • were recorded and compiled and analyzed at 1. What challenges are you facing addressing obesity? attitudes towards weight 2. How have patients attitudes towards weight obesity has on patient care. 3. How has patient care been impacted by the discussions, and the impact or referral regarding weight reduction for overweight with 28 primary care providers, Members conducted interviews with 28 primary care providers, including physicians and ARNPs, to assess providers’ opinions about their practice experiences and perceptions of patients’ challenges with obesity. discussion changed over the years? crisis of obesity?