Buckeye General Plan | Page 2

Growth is essential for a h t healthy and vibrant community. w o Positive growth not only provides safe Gr and well-designed housing for our residents, but growth also provides shopping and employment opportunities in close proximity to residential areas. Growth also provides the financial resources needed by the City to provide services and amenities for Buckeye residents. The General Plan helps to guide growth and development to ensure that it is balanced and promotes an overall healthy environment. The elements that make up the Growth theme are: Land Use*. This element will cover land use types, distribution, and intensity; population and building density; existing specific plans; and approved master plans. Economic Development+. Provides policies/strategies for pursuing/retaining commercial and industrial uses and job creation by helping the city target locations, development types, compatible uses, business assistance, and timing/phasing. Growth Areas*. Contains an inventory, analysis and potential solutions for high potential developable, accessible land that can be utilized by the city during the next 10-20 years. Housing*. Contains goals, policies, implementation measures, and quantified objectives to facilitate the development of housing for all needs. Cost of Development*. This element details fiscal responsibilities for the city and developers, including general fund, impact fees, capital improvement program and municipal bond expenditures that ensure adequate infrastructure and maintenance. * + Denotes required element (17 total) Denotes optional element (5 total) SHOPPING s e c i v r the l Se regional econo guides the investmen The elements that make up the Serv Public Services & Facilities*, Safet comprehensive look at the city’s public utilities, serv of public health and safety issues, including police a and man-made hazards, noise, and emergency resp overview of the city’s investments in public building libraries, public schools and other city owned facilit Education+. This is not a state required element grow, it is recognized that the foundation of a good and planning with our school districts. Transportation, Circulation* and B on the movement of people and goods in and throu highways, transit, pedestrians, aviation uses and a c alternate mode of transportation and as a form of r Water Resources*. Addresses the use, prot city. This element will provide guidance on the prot facilities and associated resources. Recreation* and Open Space*. Ope and active lifestyles that, in turn, build a strong com development, and use of natural resources; agricult space. This element will provide guidance on the re needs of the community.