BTS Book Reviews December 2013 | Page 74

| The Scrying Eye | a witch for the holidays. There are plenty of flavors, and each story holds its own rewards. A Yuletide Universe: Sixteen Fantastical Tales edited by Brian M. Thomsen (Aspect— available now) is another collection of Fantasy and Science Fiction tales centered around Christmas. This anthology features such authors as Neil Gaiman, Connie Willis, Harlan Ellison, Clive Barker, and many, many more. The stories range the gamut from pleasant and cheery to downright terrifying. But one thing unites all of the fiction presented here, and that is epic writing. All the authors are acclaimed, and they all deliver the yuletide goods! For a fantastical journey into the meaning of Christmas, you can’t go wrong with this collection! Mystery/Thriller Horror! Ten Lords A-Leaping: A Mystery by C. C. Benison (Father Christmas, #3, Delacorte Press— available December 3, 2013) is the third in the series featuring Father Tom Christmas and the sleepy hamlet of Thornford Regis. Another mystery has come to Father Christmas, and he must solve it in his inimitable style. Fans of British mysteries will take to this series right away, and those who love a good Christmas-themed whodunit will enjoy it, as well! You’d Better Watch Out! edited by Kevin G. Bufton (CreateSpace—available now) contains sixteen tales of festive fear and yuletide terror—featuring authors such as K. Trap Jones, David Williamson, Angela Pritchett, and a host of others. You can have your candy cane and stick it in a zombie’s eye, too! Stories about undead Santas, killer reindeer, and other Christmas horrors await your reading pleasure. Open this present, if you dare! A Christmas Hope: A Novel by Anne Perry (Ballantine Books—available now) is a delightful story featuring a strong female lead and a mystery that will determine the life-or-death fate of a young man caught up in its machinations. Claudine Burroughs leads an unsatisfied life with a cold husband and a group of friends that care more about their social status than actual relationships. When she meets a delightful young poet named Dai Treggaron at a Christmas party, she finds a kindred soul. But Dai is soon accused of murdering a streetwalker, and now Claudine must turn her every effort towards saving his life. Will she succeed, or will the very society she belongs to help frame the young poet for a murder he didn’t commit? Read on and you shall find out! A Hacked-Up Holiday Massacre: Halloween is Going to be Jealous edited by Shane McKenzie (Pill Hill Press—available now) is a collection of short stories themed around various holidays. Not all of the stories involve Christmas, but many do, and let me tell you, they deliver the bloody goods. Featuring such renowned authors as Jack Ketchum, Wrath James White, Joe R. Lansdale, Bentley Little, and many others, this is a can’t-miss anthology. 74 |