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BSHS 425 Week 5 Organizational Change & Leadership from a Systems Perspective Paper
Ideal Human Service Organization Framework ===============================================

BSHS 425 Week 5 Organizational Change & Leadership from a Systems Perspective Paper

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BSHS 425 Week 5 Organizational Change & Leadership from a Systems Perspective Paper
Individual Assignment : Organizational Change & Leadership from a Systems Perspective Paper
Consider the characteristics of either YOUR idea for the Dream Agency or the ones your team members agreed upon in Week 3 .
Write a 1400-to 1750-word paper that answers the following questions :
§ What kind of leadership you believe would best benefit the dream agency ?
§ How did you come to this conclusion given factors that comprise this human service program and given qualities and characteristics of the staff ?
§ What leadership traits , competencies , and theories would be most appropriate for the ideal leader of your dream agency ?
§ From a systems perspective , what is the organizational force that binds and energizes each element and function of human service management ?